Столетназадчасыбылирожденыдлялюдей,чтобыполучитьвремя。 Внашидни,какмодноеукрашение,часывсеещепоявляютсявзапястьяхлюдей。 Швейцарияизвестнакакчасовоекоролевство。 Большинствосамыхпродаваемыхчасовыхбрендоввмирепроисходятименноотсюда。 Longines and Rolex двумяизсамыхизвестныхбрендов。 Ячастовижу,чтонекоторыеизмоихдрузей,которыенеоченьзнакомысчасами,всегдаспрашиваю, Ктоболеерентабелен。
Founded in Sodom, Switzerland in 1832, LONGINES has a long history of more than 183 years and exquisite craftsmanship. It also has outstanding traditions and outstanding experience in the field of sports timing. Longines, marked by the flying wing hourglass, is known for its elegance. As a famous brand of the world's leading watch manufacturer Swatch Group, Longines has been distributed in more than 130 countries around the world. As a timer for the World Championships and a partner of the International Federation, the Longines brand is known worldwide for its elegant timepieces and is a member of the world's leading watch manufacturer Swatch Group SA. The Longines family uses the winged hourglass as a logo. The business is spread across many countries around the world.
Rolex is a well-known Replica Swiss Watch manufacturer, formerly known as Wilsdorf and Davis, which was founded in 1905 by the German Hans Wilsdof and the British Alfred Davis in London. In 1908, Hans Wisdorf was renamed ROLEX in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Rolex is widely loved by successful people in its solemn, practical and non-flashing style. Its watches are highly accurate and have high durability. In the watch circle, Rolex fans often use a word to describe Rolex: "Labor" is forever.
Elegance is the basic value of Longines. The brand is based on the long-standing and innovative aesthetic tradition. The perfect balance between exquisite and classic design is reflected in each piece, creating an eternal elegance. The inspiration for each watch is closely related to the rich history of the Longines family, highlighting the boldness of technology and scientific innovation.
The Rolex watch is based on the design style of "stable, applicable, and not flashy". Excellent quality, exquisite craftsmanship, combining noble, elegant and unique temperament, ranked among the world's watch industry leaders, is known as the "precision" synonym. From the appearance of the watch alone, Longines is better than Rolex.
The previous Longines were still very good, but now they are slowly turning to the type of fashion watch. The self-produced movement is basically not produced, and most of them are ETA's movement modification! Of course, the quality of the ETA movement is also very good, and other well-known brands are also using the ETA movement.
Rolex always uses mechanical watches as its own products, and almost no quartz watches have been produced in the history of Rolex. Rolex watches use self-produced movements, not only have strict requirements on the travel time accuracy of the watch, but also work hard on the waterproof, shockproof and anti-magnetic of the watch, which greatly improves the durability and practicability of the watch. It is also because of the vast number of watch fans, Rolex has a "one-size-fits-all" argument.
Fake Longines Watches and Replica Cheap Rolex Watches which is good, after reading this article, have you already got the answer? On the brand, Rolex's grade is higher than Longines, the price is much more expensive than Longines. But on the price/performance ratio, Longines and Rolex are not in a grade, so there is no comparison. It can only be said that in their respective grades, the price is very good.
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