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Prada hardware fades, Prada metal fades, what should I do?

alice  cart
25 марта 2019 03:31
alice cart, Любитель кошек

As a luxury brand, Prada has always been known for its nobleness and art. However, because the metal materials are not under the Fake Cheap Prada Handbags, Prada hardware will fade. Or a woman using a Knock Off Discount Prada Handbag found that the Prada metal logo was not very noticeable. At this time, don't panic, because Prada has already dealt with this issue. If you encounter Prada hardware faded or see the Prada metal mark fade, then you should calmly take the following measures.

First, if you don't know how to face this situation, you'd better not rush to repair Prada's products, it is best to call the after-sales service center, make a record, and then proceed to the next step. This is also advocated by Replica New Prada Bags.

Second, if you are professional, when you encounter Prada hardware fade or metal logo fade, you should do the following work.

1. Wipe the Prada metal ring and button with a clean soft cloth as soon as possible to maintain its previous brightness, then place the chain strap inside the Prada product.

2. Put the Prada products in the dust bag to ensure the product is clean.

Third, if the Prada hardware that meets the color is very powerful, then you have to go to the counter to change to the new hardware accessories, let the professionals help you solve these problems. In fact, they use the hanging or rolling method to restore the Prada products to their original appearance.


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